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Office Number: 021 794 6561
Fax Number: 021 794 2069

Country: South Africa
Province/State: Cape
City: Cape Town
Last Word | Have It

“It’s better to be on the endangered list than run with the herd” We draw our inspiration from an affection with the endangered. Here today gone tomorrow. We are the purveyors of rare and distinctive merchandise, mostly handmade called intimate rarities. Hidden gems never litter the beaten path so discovery holds a special fascination. There is an air of individuality, adventure and savvy that goes with being on the list The Last Word is a niche lifestyle brand far from the mainstream. Intimate rarities are handcrafted by talented artists with the courage and imagination to provide novel treasures of esteem. Something that is freely available is never distinctive, so you won’t find intimate rarities anywhere else because they are offered as one of a kind merchandise or very limited editions
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